Sunday, June 20, 2010

Horse Effigie Comb by Steven Lalioff

Historically, combs like this are associated with the Haudenosaunee People, (Iroquois). They were made from various materials but they are best known to have been made from moose antler, as is the reproduction example shown. I have never seen two original combs decorated alike, many are decorated with animal and human effigies....little examples of wonderful art in the palm of your hand. And even with the aid of modern tools, it takes me all day to make one.

Copy and photo supplied by Steven Lalioff.

1 comment:

  1. "Horse Comb" might be a misleading title for this object. It is a comb with an effigy of a horse, not a comb intended to groom horses. Historically, combs like this are associated with the Haudenosaunee People, (Iroquois). They were made from various materials but they are best known to have been made from moose antler, as is the reproduction example shown. I have never seen two original combs decorated alike, many are decorated with animal and human effigies....little examples of wonderful art in the palm of your hand. And even with the aid of modern tools, it talkes me all day to make one. SML


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