Thursday, January 30, 2025

Horn Cup by Art DeCamp


Photography from Art DeCamp's Facebook Page.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Silverwork by Mitch Yates


Half Moon Gorget in the style of Robert Cruickshank(Montreal)

Big Moon Gorget!!!

A trio of Passports.......

Copy and photographs from Mitch Yates Facebook.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Brad and Shane Emig

All of the inlay work, silver work, relief carving, and hand engraving has been completed. Come see it at the 18th Century Artisan Show in Carlisle, PA next weekend. After the show I’ll begin all of the finish work. 

Completely hand forged wrought iron flintlock that Brad built while working for the Pennsylvania Museum Commission back in 1995. At that time he was the full time 18th Century Gunsmith at Landis Valley Museum in Lancaster, PA. This entire rifle was completely built by hand, including a 45” long hand forged wrought iron barrel.

Copy and photography from the Cabin Creek Muzzleloading Facebook.

Work by Eric Fleisher


Photography from Eric Fleisher's Facebook.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Powder Horn by John Plybon


Photography by Jan Riser.

Upcoming Event: 18th Century Artisan Show

18th Century Artisan Show

January 31st and February 1st

Friday, January 31st: 9 am to 7 pm
Saturday, February 1st: 9 am to 4 pm

Carlisle EXPO Center
100 K St.
Carlisle, PA 17013

Contact: Eric Fleisher at 717-275-2667

Friday, January 24, 2025

Ax by Glen McClain


Photography by Jan Riser.

2025 HCH Annual Meeting/Horn Fair


Friday and Saturday March 7 & 8, 2025 
(with the normal set-up on Thursday)

For over twenty-five years, the Honorable Company of Horners has dedicated countless hours to the preservation, research and education of the skill involved in horn-working. What’s horn-working you ask? Well, you’re not alone in your quandary! For as long as history has been recorded, animal horn has been a material with many interesting uses. As a natural thermoplastic, it can be heated and pressed or molded into many useful shapes and our early American forefathers took advantage of these uses!

The Honorable Company of Horners, or HCH, has gone back in time through research and study of original, handmade items and historical documentation to learn the secrets of how horn can be used to make many different and sometimes surprising items.

Since their formation in 1996, the nationwide group has met yearly (except 2021) to come together and share knowledge and discoveries as well as to showcase their learned skills in creating these fascinating tools of the past. The public is always welcome to attend these “Horn Fairs” at no cost and this year in no different! For anyone who is interested in this event, the HCH would like to extend a warm welcome to come and see all of the things they have to offer. From “hands-on” workshops and educational seminars to original and contemporary items to view and purchase; there’s something for everyone.
Please mark your calendars now as we anticipate another outstanding event! The Horn Fair will begin with the annual business meeting at 10:30 am Friday morning. After the meeting, you make your own schedule! Many exciting things will be taking place over the weekend. Make sure to check them all out! This is the time to meet and greet many skilled crafts people. Lasting friendships can be built on your encounters at the Horn Fair!

Highlights of the weekend include:
■ Three presentations are scheduled for this year’s event.

• Friday 2-3 pm – Master Candidate Randy Rauch will be giving his presentation on History and Development of the Middle Eastern Shofar.

• Saturday 10-11 am – Master Historian/Collector Candidate Jim Pease will be giving his presentation on Tim Tansel.

• Saturday 2-3 pm – Master Historian/Collector Candidate Mel Hankla will be giving his presentation on Powder horns from Below the Mason-Dixon.

■ The Guild’s spring pole lathe will be in action along with hands on demonstrations from talented Journeyman and Master Horners. Make sure to ask loads of questions while you have the opportunity to learn from some of the best horn workers in the country!

■ The Education Committee – The educational theme for this year is Building a Powder Horn. Both newcomers and seasoned horners will benefit from demonstration and discussion of various aspects of horn building.
■ Fundraising events – The raffle is a unique grouping of 3 black horn items donated to the Guild by Master Collector Glenn Bealle. Get your tickets for this drawing at the event or download them here. Up for auction will be a finely crafted flat horn with a fish scaled lip carving on the spout, carved and donated by Scott Morrison.
This black and white flat horn will surely grace your kit in your search of game, and will pair well with the leather belly / belt bag to match.
■ The Awards Committee will once again be organizing the general horn competition, with categories of Traditional Engraved Horn, Contemporary Engraved Horn, Un-engraved Horn, Horn and Bag, Horn Item and First Time Entry. Master Horners are not eligible to enter.
■ Don’t forget to start working on an item for the Guildmaster’s Challenge!
Setup will be 9 am to 5 pm on Thursday. Please let us know if you need to set-up after 5 pm. We’ll also have some time Friday morning to finish any last minute set-up. As in the past, the main display room will be locked for security outside the hours of scheduled events. We invite all members who would like to display their own work or their collections to reserve a table. Last year we filled all the available spaces so don’t delay in getting your reservation placed.

After we break down the displays and workshops, we’ll have the Guild mixer as a time to relax and enjoy each other’s company. We’ll have appetizers and a cash bar serving alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks. At 6 pm the fun starts and the much anticipated banquet! The menu will feature an old fashioned dinner with brown sugar glazed ham, baked potato with sour cream, butter, green onions, and shredded cheese; pasta salad, green bean almondine, glazed carrots, house salad with balsamic vinaigrette and ranch dressing, dinner rolls and apple pie.
If you need to request a gluten free meal, please note that on your registration form. Reservations for the banquet must be received by Wednesday, February 19th.
The Hotel will again offer a lunch buffet. You can order a meal or pick up a snack at different locations within the hotel or stop at one of the multiple places within close walking/driving distance – the choice is yours!

Please Send in your Reservation by the 24th of February, 2025! Register for the 2025 HCH Annual Meeting Banquet, which will be on March 8, 2025 (6pm) at the Altoona Grand Hotel.

More information can be found at the Honourable Company of Horners web site here.

Thursday, January 23, 2025