This year’s West Coast Horn Fair was held April 11th, 12th, and 13th, 2014 at the Capitol City Rifle and Pistol Club just South of Olympia Washington. The focus was on Heating and Shaping horns. Friday and Sunday were classes and perusing the many display tables. The highlights were discussions on style, schools, periods and horns and architecture. Many of the participants discussed what they want for future events. Everyone is coming back! John, Linda, Steve and Jim do not want to miss next years West Coast Horn Fair!

Last year a table was set up for Harold Moore as the Honored Horner of the year. He was Steve Skillman’s partner when they first started giving horn making classes with the Gunmakers Guild many years ago. Not long after the W.C.H.F. last year, Harold suffered a stroke. A noted artist in our area, Bill Connant, agreed to do a portrait of Harold for presentation at this years event on Saturday night. The West Coast Horn Fair 2014 honored Harold Moore, a influential Horn Maker from the West Coast.
The West Coast Horn Fair was blessed with many great prizes for the raffle and the auction. We are grateful for the many fantastic raffle and auction prizes. Two different horn and bag combinations were donated by Scott Morrison and Ron Hess.
Because of all these items, we raised enough money to grow the WCHF next year. Save the date May 1, 2, and 3rd, 2014!

Auction items:
Camp chair by Will Ulery. Won by Glenn Sutt
A framed and matted Print by Bill Conant. Won by Chris Statz
Buffalo Horn by Harold Moore. Won by BO Brown.
Donations and Winners for the raffle:
Book Powder Horns Fabrication and Decoration donated by Don Kerr. Won by Harold Moore
Hand forged knife and sheath donated by BO Brown. Won by Kyle Martin.
We had two Knife kits donated by Roger Hodge with Green River blades. Won by Nancy Moore and Rich Downs.
Scrimshawed Salt and Pepper container of antler by Kieth Beard. Won by BO Brown.
Horn Spoon (show project) by Glenn Sutt. Won by Steve Baima.
Necklace pincushion by Kieth Beard donated by BO Brown. Won by Dave Rase.
Antler Flask by Scott Morrison. Won by Lloyd Chase.
Buffalo priming horn by Harold Moore. Won by Kevin Thiel.
Salt horn by Skillman. Won by Dave Rase.
Small table horn by Skillman. Won by Don Kerr.
Framed photo by Nancy Moore. Won by Shawn Martin.
Deluxe Cureton Horn by John Shorb. Won by Kevin Hart.
We want to thank Steve Skillman, Scott Morrison, Glen Sutt, Chip Kormas, Steve Bama, Bo Brown, Don Kerr, Shawn Martin and Kyle Martin. Jim and Laura Smith cooked all weekend. They brought their killer brownies. Rodger Hodge made badges for participants. Many others worked hard to put this event together.
Next year will be held the First weekend in May; May 1, 2, and 3rd, 2015, at the Capitol City Gun Club in Little Rock, WA. We have more ideas, more teachers and more events to present to all the horn makers.
Photos by Steve Skillman except where noted. Copy by Linda Shorb at Powder Horns.