Friday, December 6, 2019

Atlanta History Center: Native Lands - Indians and Georgia

This is mainly a study of the tassels on the bags and belt. All these items were in plexiglass cases which the lighting cast strange reflections.

I believe the descriptive label for the fingerwoven sash is inaccurate. The beads in the sash proper (excluding the long heddle-woven ends) were actually woven into the sash while the sash was being constructed rather than being sewn on top after the weaving was finished. If the tension on the yarns is not just right the beads will "pop up" onto the surface, so they will be seen clearly on one side but not the other. That appears to be the case here. The commentary that the beads were woven into the heddle-woven ends is accurate. (comment by D. Rogers - which we believe over the AHC comment.)

Photographs by Jan Riser.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the descriptive label for the fingerwoven sash is inaccurate. The beads in the sash proper (excluding the long heddle-woven ends) were actually woven into the sash while the sash was being constructed rather than being sewn on top after the weaving was finished. If the tension on the yarns is not just right the beads will "pop up" onto the surface, so they will be seen clearly on one side but not the other. That appears to be the case here. The commentary that the beads were woven into the heddle-woven ends is accurate.


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