This flintlock was a joy to my father,it was his favorite gun in his collection.when ken started making rifles my father had to have one.So this is what ken made my dad,one of the finest handmade muzzleloaders I ever had the pleasure of firing.My father recently past away,but every year until his death,he would grab that gun and go hunting.MY father and ken were very good freinds.I thank ken for making one of my fathers most prized possesions.MY dad gave the rifle to me,and I will give it to my son,and hopfully so on and so on.Its beauty is only matched by its accuracy,not only a show peice but a rifle you can hunt with on a daily basis. thank you WALT SHAFFER
When Robert Weil started collecting images for the Contemporary Makers book in 1973 the challenge to record contemporary gun work was daunting. Gathering material was difficult and time consuming. Few makers thought that there was any value in published documentation of their work. Electronic publishing has changed all that. Having a website or having one's work available to view on the internet is becoming a necessity. In spite of all the potential to finally have a true overview of what's being produced by the artists of today, a great deal of work still remains covered up and basically unknown. Our role is to make an effort to document some portion of what’s going on today. To comment on the established makers and to uncover the unknown. We welcome your comments and suggestions and look to you our readers to make us aware of the talented makers out there. Art and Jan Riser Robert Weil and The Makers
This flintlock was a joy to my father,it was his favorite gun in his collection.when ken started making rifles my father had to have one.So this is what ken made my dad,one of the finest handmade muzzleloaders I ever had the pleasure of firing.My father recently past away,but every year until his death,he would grab that gun and go hunting.MY father and ken were very good freinds.I thank ken for making one of my fathers most prized possesions.MY dad gave the rifle to me,and I will give it to my son,and hopfully so on and so on.Its beauty is only matched by its accuracy,not only a show peice but a rifle you can hunt with on a daily basis. thank you WALT SHAFFER