Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Blowgun and Darts by James Blake


Blowgun Technology 

Blowguns where used by Native peoples of North America especially in the Southeast,  though period accounts do record there use among others such as the Seneca and Shawnee, and Delaware peoples. I constructed this set as a gift for my youngest son. The Blowguns were traditionally made from river cane or some other pithy wood that could be hollowed out or split and rebound back together.  The Darts are made from Hickory and Twisted Cane. The Darts are Fletched with Thistle. Traditionally a variety of Thistles were used in the construction process some out perform others. The Anthropologist Frank Speck wrote a paper on the subject from field notes he took among the Catawba and Cherokee peoples which is very informative. 

Copy and photography supplied by James Blake.

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